A special shout-out to the lead stewards and marketing team contributors who helped get the word out and made this an overwhelmingly successful grant process.
Developers Track:Lead Steward:
Davek, co-founder of HashHavoc and a dedicated lead in the Developer/Builder Track, passionate about bringing innovation to Bitcoin and Stacks. He supports developers in building impactful projects on the Stacks blockchain.
DeFi Track:Lead Steward:
Brendyn Hadfield, a creative generalist and connector of dots, leading the DeFi Track with a philosophy of curiosity. As a Stacks DeGrants advisor and Art Unchained advisor, he is instrumental in expanding and enhancing DeFi projects within the Stacks ecosystem.
NFT Track:Lead Steward:
Goodkitty, the founder of Bitcoin Art Collective and the Stacks Music Project, is a prominent figure in the Bitcoin and Stacks ecosystems. She hosts "Art on Stacks" with Nietta and writes "GK Insights," supporting NFT creators and driving the NFT market's growth across various art mediums.
Nietta, an Aria and Deadly nominated illustrator, and commissioned NFT artist, brings creative expertise and innovation to the Stacks branding and marketing efforts.
BNS Track:Lead Stewards:
Snazzy_888 and
Brendyn Hadfield. Snazzy is committed to promoting and supporting the adoption of BNS domains. His focus is on integrating BNS within the Stacks community to enhance digital identity and ownership.
Community and Governance Track:Lead Stewards:
Gordon, the lead at Stacks Australia, is dedicated to bringing builders to Bitcoin and fostering community engagement.
AcrossFireX is passionate about Bitcoin and Stacks, contributing significantly to community governance and engagement.
Submit Your Own (BlueSky) Track:Lead Steward:
HeroGamer21BTC, a key supporter of the ecosystem, interfacing with Core Engineers and facilitating community feedback sessions. He hosts regular educational calls and stewards the SIP review process, ensuring effective communication and progress within the Stacks community.
Brand and Marketing Lead:Lead Steward:
Nietta, a valued member of the Stacks ecosystem, known for her artistic talent, logo design, and warm personality, consistently shares her creativity with the community. She co-led the NFT track with Good Kitty and co-hosts their weekly X space called #ArtOnStacks every Tuesday at 2 PM EST.
Contributors:Phtog - A professional photographer providing support services to the Stacks DeGrants community, driving the cohort 2 process and increasing involvement.
Gpsc.btc - An OG in the Stacks community, providing graphics and marketing support for the DeGrants project and participating in many of the DeGrants track spaces.
PeaceLoveMusic.btc - Embodying the spirit of the decentralized community, building and integrating strong communities, and creating opportunities to grow and prosper through the #DeOrganized project.
HeroGamer - His tireless commitment to fostering and building the DeGrants project from an idea to a decentralized, productive organization hitting goals and producing results far beyond expectation is a testament to what can be done in a decentralized way with some will and a cooperative, community-driven ideal. Thank you, HeroGamer. You have built something amazing!